30th Central-European
Olympiad in Informatics
– CEOI 2023 –
August 13-19, 2023

Welcome to CEOI 2023, the 30th Central-European Olympiad in Informatics! It is a joint endeavor by
- BWINF (Bundesweite Informatikwettbewerbe), the German office for pre-collegiate competitions in computer science,
- eLeMeNTe e.V., an association for promoting STEM talents in Saxony-Anhalt (one of the German federal states),
- and the Computer Science Department of Otto-von-Guericke-University (OvGU) Magdeburg.
After having “German” CEOIs in Münster (2003), Dresden (2008), and Jena (2014), we are happy to host CEOI 2023 in Magdeburg, state capital of Saxony-Anhalt and among the most historical cities of Germany.
CEOI 2023 is generously supported by the state government of Saxony-Anhalt, plus several sponsors.